Hermit Crab Update #5 (MUST READ!)

After he hustle and bustle of the holidays, I’m back! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, because I know I did. Now, I have good news and bad news, so let’s get the bad news over with

Ok, so after recent events and time for me to really think it through, I realized that Hermit Crabs are just not the pet for me. I would not be able to provide many things for them, and I would hate for the Crabs to suffer on my behalf. This doesn’t mean I won’t continue blogging about them once in a while, but it does mean that the topic is limited. Now that I have said that, on to the good news.

Talk from the tank is entering a new era! In the near future, this blog will not be only about my Goldfish, but it may be about some new furry friends! I have found an interest in other mammals, such as  Hamsters and Rabbits. Who knows? Maybe some Tortoise posts will be included in the mix. Expect various posts and updates on anything that lives in a cage or a tank!

Thanks for reading! Please like this to let me know if you want more updates or not. Also comment if you have any questions or comments on your pet!