What I’m About

Hi! Let me first say thanks for checking out my blog! I am very excited to be able to write about something I am very passionate about – my pets! Though I may not be an animal expert, I have done hours of research and continue to every day.

In this blog, I write about information about and my experiences with my two pet goldfish, Pop and Sunny. Because goldfish don’t sound that exciting and an easy pet, many people do not do any research about them which can be the cause of why they die within a week! Pop, my older goldfish, is going on 5 years! He is happy and healthy, but still does not require that much care. Sunny is only a few months old, as she came to our house the day our goldfish, Bubbles died. Bubbles was my pride and joy, and was just as old as Pop. They were, in my eyes, a dynamic duo. We took good care of them both. Though we are not certain why Bubbles died, we know it wasn’t because of improper care. Sunny and Pop are living a great life in their 20 gallon tank, and have grown from little guppies to 2 inch fish! Sunny also continues to grow and inspire Old Pop to stay active and have fun! Here I will share my experiences with them and tips and tricks to proper goldfish care.

I also own a Betta Fish named Zeus. He is a butterfly male and is a bright red with some pink and white. He is truly beautiful and I love watching him swim in and out of his castle in his tank on my desk!

As for the other pets,  I do not actually own any today, but I have done much research and more! I would be completely prepared to own them tomorrow! Please do not look at this as a red flag, as I am perfectly capable to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Though just in between you and me, I am in the market for a small furry friend!

In the future, my blog may feature:

  • Tutorials
  • FAQs
  • My Experiences
  • Where I do my Research
  • Informational Posts
  • Updates
  • Much More!

Thanks for checking out my blog! I hope you learned a thing or two about proper pet care! Don’t forget to follow my blog if you want to see more!

-Talk from the Tank

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