Syrian vs. Dwarf Hamsters

imageI know this is a very common question, as I ask myself this all the time! As some of you may know, I am thinking of adding a furry friend to my family but am not 100% on it right now. However, it is never to early to do research! Before I begin, let me just say that there are many different types of hamsters, and these are only a few! From my research, however, I have found these two are the most common. So, if you need help deciding which hamster you think best suites your life, I hope this helps you out!


  • Dwarfs are much smaller, hence the name! They can grow to be about 3 – 4 inches long
  • They need a minimum of 360 square inches of space
  • Dwarfs, in some cases, can cost less
  • They take a longer time to be tamed
  • When tamed, they are very loyal
  • They are much quicker than Syrians
  • They tend to be more active
  • They can be paired with other Dwarfs (in SOME cases – be cautious!)
  • They come in a smaller variety of colors and patterns
  • Better for more experienced owners


  • They are larger than Dwarfs at about 5 – 7 inches
  • They need a habitat that is larger than the minimum!
  • They can be a little more expensive
  • They are very easily tamed
  • They are easier to handle
  • They tend to be slower
  • They tend to be less active
  • They should never be paired with other hamsters!
  • They come in a huge variety of colors and patterns
  • Better for beginners

So there you have it! Thanks for reading! I hope I helped you with your decision on the hamster you may get, or, if your just reading this for research or just for fun, I hope you learned something new!

Remember to comment if you have any questions or concerns on your small animal!

Good and Bad Hamster Cages

To kick off the New Year and the next era of Talk from the Tank, let’s start with the topic of Hamsters, one of the many furry friends that will be featured on this blog. Now, what is one of the major care items that every hamster needs? A home.

Not just a place in your home, but a cage, tank, bin, or a place it can call home. This comes in many forms, big and small, square and round. But it is also the one thing that most people mistake as an easy buy. To steer you in the right direction and aid in your research, here are the good and bad hamster cages, categorized so you can choose the right one for you and stay away from the bad. Continue reading

Hermit Crab Update #5 (MUST READ!)

After he hustle and bustle of the holidays, I’m back! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, because I know I did. Now, I have good news and bad news, so let’s get the bad news over with

Ok, so after recent events and time for me to really think it through, I realized that Hermit Crabs are just not the pet for me. I would not be able to provide many things for them, and I would hate for the Crabs to suffer on my behalf. This doesn’t mean I won’t continue blogging about them once in a while, but it does mean that the topic is limited. Now that I have said that, on to the good news.

Talk from the tank is entering a new era! In the near future, this blog will not be only about my Goldfish, but it may be about some new furry friends! I have found an interest in other mammals, such as  Hamsters and Rabbits. Who knows? Maybe some Tortoise posts will be included in the mix. Expect various posts and updates on anything that lives in a cage or a tank!

Thanks for reading! Please like this to let me know if you want more updates or not. Also comment if you have any questions or comments on your pet!