Hermit Crab Update #5 (MUST READ!)

After he hustle and bustle of the holidays, I’m back! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, because I know I did. Now, I have good news and bad news, so let’s get the bad news over with

Ok, so after recent events and time for me to really think it through, I realized that Hermit Crabs are just not the pet for me. I would not be able to provide many things for them, and I would hate for the Crabs to suffer on my behalf. This doesn’t mean I won’t continue blogging about them once in a while, but it does mean that the topic is limited. Now that I have said that, on to the good news.

Talk from the tank is entering a new era! In the near future, this blog will not be only about my Goldfish, but it may be about some new furry friends! I have found an interest in other mammals, such as  Hamsters and Rabbits. Who knows? Maybe some Tortoise posts will be included in the mix. Expect various posts and updates on anything that lives in a cage or a tank!

Thanks for reading! Please like this to let me know if you want more updates or not. Also comment if you have any questions or comments on your pet!

Hermit Crab Update #4

Hey! First, let me start off by saying sorry! I have been tremendously busy and have only been able to blog once a week. It will probably be like this for a while.

But, anyways, I took trip to my local Pet Co and decided on a theme for the Hermit Crab tank! It will definitely be the ancient temple theme because I saw they had stocked their shelves with so many new Hermit Crab things, so I looked around and saw this temple structure that would be absolutely perfect! It looked a lot like this:  Temple

But a little smaller! This definitely gave me inspiration, but what I don’t know is if I will get one like that, or something more like these other options:Temple 2Temple 3

What do you think? Comment below! Also a quick announcement – my Goldfish Pop is turning 6 (human) years old! I’m just so happy that I’ve taken that great care of Pop.

Thanks for reading! As always, follow my blog and comment if you have any questions or concerns on your Goldfish or Hermit Crabs!

Shell Sizes

This is a pretty important topic – Hermit Crab shells! A Hermit Crab’s shell is basically it’s home, so giving your crab the variety of shells it needs is vital. I don’t really know much on this topic as I haven’t decided on how big my crabs will be when I buy them. There is, however, one of my favorite youtubers who does know a lot on this topic. Here is the link to Caroline from Yadokari Nation’s video on shell sizes: Hermit Crab Shells Video

I hope this helped you a lot, and thanks for reading! As always, follow my blog for more great posts like these and comment if you have any questions or concerns about Hermit Crabs or Goldfish. I post every week, so please be a little patient with my response, but it will come!

Hermit Crab Update #3

Hey everyone! Just a little announcement. I have a set date on when I will get my Hermit Crabs. This date shouldn’t change at all! I will have my Hermit Crabs by December the latest. I just wanted to ask if any of my readers could possibly help me out on a name for the crabs. I plan to get either 3 smaller crabs or 2 medium-sized ones. I think, however, I am leaning towards the smaller ones. I do have a few fun names, but I would love more suggestions in the comment section! Female and Male names would be great, as I don’t know what gender my crabs will be. Here are the names I have so far:

  1. Grande
  2. Grenada
  3. Pepe
  4. Dwayne
  5. Thunder
  6. Cosmo
  7. Neptune
  8. Calvin
  9. Plasma
  10. Riptide
  11. Nico
  12. C.C (Stands for Crab Cake)

If any of you have more suggestions, that would be great! As always, follow my blog for other posts like these, and comment if you have any questions about your Goldfish or Hermit Crabs! Thanks for reading!

Hermit Crab Food

This is an easy question – what should I feed my Hermit Crab? The answer? Almost anything! Hermit Crabs are omnivores, which means that they can eat plants and meats. It is almost like they can eat off your plate, with a few exceptions. Well what is safe for them? Good question. I can’t speak from experience yet, but I know who can. There are many reliable sources for this question out there. Here are a few links to different sites or blogs who have answered this question:

Hermit Crab Crazy’s list

Hermit Crab 101’s list

Crabstreet Journal’s list

Yadokari Nation’s Video

I hope that these links have helped you, and these are just a few of many! I wanted to put a link to the Hermit Crab association, but they were having some problems with their site. In the future, make sure to check out there site for another great list. After doing lots of research myself, here is a list of easy foods that I would have around to feed my crabs. Remember, this is what I can feed my crabs, but there are many other great food sources that I may not have access to. Here is what I would and can feed my crabs based on what I already have:

  • almonds
  • avocado
  • banana
  • blueberries
  • carrots
  • unsalted cashews
  • celery
  • cheese (on occasion)
  • chicken (unseasoned but cooked)
  • cod liver oil
  • cuttle bone
  • fish oil
  • honey
  • kale
  • lettuce
  • maple syrup
  • mushrooms
  • parsley
  • pears
  • pork
  • potatoes (sweet and regular)
  • tomato
  • walnuts

Thanks for reading! Follow my blog to see a follow up post on Crab nutrition, and make sure to comment if you have any questions or concerns about your Crabs or Goldfish! Also comment which theme you think I should do for my tank!

Molting 101 – What to do if your Hermit Crab is Going to Molt or is in a Molt

This is another post in my series, “Molting 101,” and it is about what to do if you see the signs that your Crab is going to Molt and what you should do if you missed the signs and your Crab is already in a Molt. Before I begin, if you don’t know the Molting signs, I would recommend that you read my previous post in this series.

So if you are reading this, congratulations! Your Hermit Crab is either going into a Molt or is in a Molt! Or maybe you just are doing some research ahead of time. Whatever the cause may be, Hermit Crab Molting is not something to take lightly. Some Hermit Crabs may die in the process if not looked after or given the tools to successfully Molt. This is why I am writing this post to help you prevent that! Let’s begin!

If you have seen the signs for a Molt, you could and should, first, set up an isolation tank of some sort. Isolation is key, as a Molting Hermit Crab is very vulnerable, and can sometimes be eaten by another Crab! The first option for an isolation tank is a small, 2.5 gallon tank filled with at least 4 – 6

This is a great example of a small, Isolation Tank from the Hermit Crab Association

This is a great example of a small Isolation Tank from the Hermit Crab Association

inches of suitable substrate. I would recommend Eco Earth, as I have heard many great things about it. This tank should also the same basics as the main tank, which means the tank must have a Salt Water and Fresh Water pool, as well as a food bowl filled with hardy and nutrient – rich foods of some sort (Calcium rich foods are great). Also give a selection of shells. However, the most important aspects are heat and moisture, as these are the key aspects of Molting. The tank should be no colder than 78 or 79 degrees Fahrenheit, and no dryer than 70 – 80% humidity. After you have set up the isolation tank, place the Hermit Crab in it as soon as you have clarified that it is going to Molt. Another option, one that I believe I am going to try myself, is to wait for the Crab to dig under in the main tank, then place half of a large soda – bottle with the lid off around the area and press it gently into the substrate to secure it. The tank must be up to the same standards as the isolation tank, however.

Unfortunately, there may be instances where an owner does not catch any of the signs and the Crab buries itself one day. If this happens, the most important thing is to not dig the crab up! This action can lead to death. If your Hermit Crab is Molting and you do not know where it is in the tank, there is nothing you can do, you just have to let the Crab Molt on its own. After all, a Hermit Crab does do it all the time on its own in the wild.

Thanks for reading! I hope this post helped you! Follow my blog for more posts about Molting. Also, comment if you have any questions or concerns about your Goldfish or Hermit Crab, and tell me how many times your Crab has Molted!

Hermit Crab Update #2

This is a follow – up post to, “Hermit Crab Update,” so if you haven’t read that post yet, you should do so now.

I am here with another update! Before I begin, I have some disappointing news. Unfortunately, due to construction running over time, I will have to postpone the date where I get my Hermit Crabs. I wish that I could buy them tomorrow, but it just wouldn’t be good for them to live in the construction atmosphere, and like any good pet owner, I want the best for my pets. However, this does give me time to do more research.

Also, I think that I will need this extra time, as I have been on the hunt for a reliable pet store near me that sells a lot of Hermit Crab things, or even the Hermit Crabs themselves! I haven’t had much luck, but I will continue searching! In the last store that I visited, which was a smaller store but was very close to where I live, they didn’t have much selection, but I did manage to find just a few items. The first item I purchased was a hydrometer, which is a tool that measures humidity in the tank and is critical to the survival of a Hermit Crab. I also came across a Reptile Hammock/Platform with suction cups, and I had a great idea. I purchased the item and I am thinking that I will use it to create a second level in the tank! I am very excited about this idea. However, before I do this, I need to decide on a theme for the tank.

The options are:

  • Jungle themed
  • Fantasy themed
  • Ancient Temple themed
  • Beach themed

Please comment which theme you think I should go with! Thanks for reading this post, and follow my blog for more updates! Also remember to comment if you have any questions or concerns about your Goldfish or Hermit Crabs!

Molting 101 – Hermit Crab Molting Signs

Photo also shown on the blog,

One sign of Molting is a Hermit Crab’s Brown Eyes – like these! Photo also shown on the blog, “Naturally Crabby.” There is a link if you scroll all the way down!

This is the Black Fat Pouch or Bubble a Hermit Crab may get when they are about to Molt!

This is the Black Fat Pouch or Bubble a Hermit Crab may get when they are about to Molt!

One of the most unique  happenings that an owner will experience with their Hermit Crabs is a molt. Very few animals, let alone pets, will molt or do something like it. But what is a molt? How will it affect my Hermit Crabs? And what should I do? Good questions, and a few that I didn’t know the answer to until recently! The day that I will get my Hermit Crabs is creeping closer and closer, and I am very excited! This is why I am reviewing my research, starting with this post! A molt is when a Hermit Crab will usually bury itself under the substrate and shed it’s exoskeleton, or

This is a Strawberry Crab whose color has Dulled because it is about to Molt!

This is a Strawberry Crab whose color has Dulled because it is about to Molt!

it’s layer of hard skin, almost like a snake. This may take as little as a week to as long as two months! Almost all of my research on molting was taken from an amazing YouTube channel called Yadokari Nation with Caroline. If you would like to see the exact video I took most of my information from, or other great videos from her, here is the link: Guide to Hermit Crab Molting – Yadokari Nation In these series of posts, these questions will be explained.

So the first thing a Crab owner should know are the molting signs. Here is a list of the general molting signs that your Hermit Crab may display:

  • Moving into a Smaller Shell
  • Brown  Eyes
  • Duller Color
  • A Fat Pouch Developing near the Abdomen
  • Eating a lot at one point then none at all
  • Digging a lot
  • Acting Tired or Lazy

Keep in mind that not all of these signs will occur! If you would like to know the answer to the other molting questions, follow my blog, as another post will be coming soon! Thanks for reading! If you have any other questions about your Hermit Crab or Goldfish, let me know!