Hermit Crab Update #3

Hey everyone! Just a little announcement. I have a set date on when I will get my Hermit Crabs. This date shouldn’t change at all! I will have my Hermit Crabs by December the latest. I just wanted to ask if any of my readers could possibly help me out on a name for the crabs. I plan to get either 3 smaller crabs or 2 medium-sized ones. I think, however, I am leaning towards the smaller ones. I do have a few fun names, but I would love more suggestions in the comment section! Female and Male names would be great, as I don’t know what gender my crabs will be. Here are the names I have so far:

  1. Grande
  2. Grenada
  3. Pepe
  4. Dwayne
  5. Thunder
  6. Cosmo
  7. Neptune
  8. Calvin
  9. Plasma
  10. Riptide
  11. Nico
  12. C.C (Stands for Crab Cake)

If any of you have more suggestions, that would be great! As always, follow my blog for other posts like these, and comment if you have any questions about your Goldfish or Hermit Crabs! Thanks for reading!